Congratulations Israel, I mean Netta. But it just goes to show you, Europe is weird. Even the announcer on Swedish TV says, "The odd often wins on Eurovision." This year it is very true. Last year, a beautiful real song won, and made the point that it is about the music and not the pyrotechnics around the song that matter. Now we've gone the other direction, and gimmick over music wins. Oh well, Maybe next year....
AND at least Cyprus didn't win.
This is not the result I expected from the national juries. Very interesting. And exciting. Time to refill the drink glass. Is it time for a commercial break yet?
Benjamin from Sweden just thanked the German jury for its 12 points by saying, "I love spaetze." (Kathy, are you reading?)
OK. Him from Latvia was scary, but nice for 12 points to Austria!
Tack Australien! Sverige behövde 12 poäng!
Very glad that Austria is doing so well. Needed that bathroom break, though!
That song from Cyprus is hardly original. What did the juries see in it?
Thank God the voting is over. Portugal has done a good job, but the interval show wasn't very good, other than Sobral.
Stand by. I'm sure we'll have a comment or two on the voting. Meanwhile, Trump could build his wall with all of the bricks being shit in the green room.
Man, can Sobral sing. I loved that.
Results from the Radio Free Järbo Jury:
12 points: Germany
10 points: Moldova
8 points: Australia
7 points: Ireland
6 points: Austria
5 points: Lithuania
4 points: Norway
3 points: Albania
2 points: Portugal
1 point: Netherlands
Radio Free Järbo is happy this year to host the results of the Canadian jury. As you know, Canada is banned from Eurovision in retribution for unleashing Celine Dion on the world.
The Canadian jury says:
12 points: Ireland
10 points: Germany
8 points: Australia
7 points: United Kingdom
6 points: Lithuania
5 points: Moldova
4 points: Albania
3 points: Austria
2 points: Portugal
1 point: Czech Republic
Italy: Italy sends great songs and Europe ignores them. This year they sent a weak song, and Europe will probably ignore it. Yes, the lyrics and theme are important. But stronger music and a stronger performance would help the message.
Cyprus: That bookies all over Europe have this song as likely to win shows how much Eurovision needs North American juries. This song has been over and over again by singers far better than this one. Nice beat, but the rest is simply awful, awful, awful.
Ireland: All of my Irish DNA is brimming with pride with this song. Well written. Well performed. Thank you Ireland!
We're taking a little whiskey break to get ready for Ireland.
Netherlands: Anyone who knows me will be surprised to hear me say that I have come to like this song. But I fear this song would play much better in the US than in Europe. Great dancers!
Israel: She's fun to watch and I know how important the theme of this song is, but I can't like it or support it. It's basically noise with occasional accidental musical outbreaks. She can't really sing. Why does the audience like it?
Hungary: I know heavy metal rock is supposed to involve screaming, but there is something musical behind this song that is trying to come out through all the noise. It's too bad. Maybe it's an anathema to say this with heavy metal, but holding back might actually be better for this song.
Sweden: He is a great performer, almost a Nordic Michael Jackson. The sexy hip movements are needed with a song that is this thin. Still, hard to take your eyes away. (And no one who knows Sweden believes the opening line of this song "Don't feel no pressure." You know he DOES.)
Moldova: I just love that number with every fiber of my being. Love, love love. Great beat. Great energy. Fun every second of the three minutes.
Bulgaria: What does it mean when the Americans have the best voices. It takes more than a couple of American to save this mess, which I hate down to my bones.
Finland: Just don't like it, even though I want that sparks shooting gun. Maybe it's the storm troopers that just feels too close to home to be comfortable.
I'd like to see Cesar from Austria do that to me!!
I didn't know Woody Allen's grandfather was Serbian.
Australia: She just told Cyprus and Israel to kiss her Aussie ass!!!
Denmark: The Vikings are invading Portugal! Nice beard but not a great song. Abba English lyrics.
Czech Republic: He is so very engaging on stage, I wish he didn't have a crap song.
France: Je m'apelle "messy"????? Is it a song about being messy? No, it is actually a song about the refugee crises. The lyrics are very moving but the whole song leaves one flat. Too bad it wasn't in English. Here is wall-building Trumplandia, we need to hear more songs like this.
Albania: Just really kind of like this song, even if he has the evening's funniest sounding name.
Germany: You can almost stop the show; he's won. Wow! (Still crying.)
Serbia: Look at the shoulders on that drummer! He must be getting quite a workout.
United Kingdom: Not sure yet what just happened, but it seemed help her. She's never done that song better. A good example of British phlegm.
Oh! A cute sailor.
Portugal: What a beautiful song, but I can't get over her pink hair. Well done.
Norway: Man, he sells this song like a successful used car salesman. Not the most intellectual lyrics though fun to watch.
Estonia: A big voice needs a big dress, but I sure don't want her dry cleaning bill. Nice song.
Austria: As easy on the ears as he is on the eyes. And not a bad song either. Skit bra!
Lithuania: Just love this song, which brings a tear to the eye. Just a lovely song.
Slovenia: The Irish-American poet William McPhillips wrote, "Only silence makes a sin." This horrible song is the exception to that rule.
Spain: Very nice. Who knew that they could send such a beautiful song!!!
Yes. We will be live blogging throughout the show. Watch this space, especially if you need help on how to vote. !!
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