Opening number: Some of Sweden's nicest packages in tight undies. Was ther anything else?
Belgium. Vote for her!
Czech Republic. Someone PLEASE write her a better song!
Netherlands. One of the best written songs musically and lyrically. Could win.
Azerbaijan. Too bad the song is not as beautiful as she is. It would take a miracle to be in Baku next year if this is the best they've got.
Hungary. He is cute. He looks hot in ripped jeans. He sings. He cooks. I don't know if I should vote for him or marry him, or both. The song is terrific. Vote for him!
Italy. Did Tim Burton design the set? Like the song better with this hearing.
Israel. Love, love love, this song!!!! Winner? His mother is kvelling for sure. But let's change that hair.
Bulgaria. Took a bathroom break. Hope you did, too.
SWEDEN. Vi hållar timmarna. That is the best he has ever done that song!!!!
Germany. I doubt very much Birger Jarl wants to see this mess of a song from Germany. Stupid dress. Another Tim Burton set. Gunnar says, "WTF is she wearing?".
France. I hate to say it but he is a really good perfomer and I kind of like it. Russia is in trouble.
Poland. I like it. Please vote for it. Bravo!
Australia. Another great voice in need of a better song. Where did she find my wedding dress?
Cyprus. Talk about change of pacee! I do him before I'd listen to him sing. Send him back to prison.
Serbia. Like this song for some reason.
Lithuania. Adorable jail bait. Well! maybe not jail bait. Terrific song well delivered. Could HE win?
Croatia. She has a nice voice but sounds a little flat tonight.
Russia. I need a cigarette after that one.
Spain. Säg nej. Say naye.
Latvia. Another cutie. Need another cigarette. If I was feeling something on him it woldn't be his heartbeat.
Ukraine. Poignant.
Malta. Oh, did Malta sing? I was in the John. Nice tits, though. Is she pregnant?
Georgia. Gunnar bought ear plugs today. We are using them now and they really work well!
Austria. Nice gown. Was she a bridesmaid recently? Take the Yellow Brick Road to Stockholm.
United Kingdom. "We're in this together.". Ironic for the UK and the Brexit vote. Maybe the UK won't come in last again!
Armenia. Last in the start order and shoild be last in the finishing order.
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